Receiving RF Codes using [rc-switch]

My main ESPHome configuration

Receiving RF Codes using rc-switch

Receiving RF codes using cheap RF receivers (I use cheap Superheterodyne receivers like QIACHIP RX470-4, RX500-4 or WL101-341) can be done using the Remote Receiver component.

The following Remote Receiver configuration works for all my RF remotes:

  pin: <PIN>
    - rc_switch
  tolerance: 60%
  filter: 4us
  idle: 4ms

After this, decoded RF codes can be monitored when the logging level is set to DEBUG.

Binary Sensors

When you recorded the RF code of one of your keyfobs, you can turn that into a binary_sensor as follows:

  - platform: remote_receiver
    name: RF Button Keyfob1
      protocol: 1
      code: !secret rf_code_keyfob1
      - delayed_off: 100ms

The secret rf_code_keyfob1 needs to be added to secrets.yaml

You can even add some automation to your binary sensor by adding e.g.:

        - switch.toggle: switch_1

When the binary_sensor triggers an automation you can choose not to report it to Home Assistant by removing the name attributed and add an id attribute (or add internal: true).